So something very exciting has happened to me this week and I want to tell everyone the fantastic news!!!
A few months ago I was told about an award which I was recommended to apply for, In truth I thought to myself I'll apply because there's nothing to lose, if something comes from it then fantastic.
It was a huge deal for me to apply for this award as it meant telling the world something that I have kept very private and not told hardly anyone throughout the past 10 years.
The awards are celebrating disabled entrepreneurs in the UK. I openly tell people that I have had an extremely complicated and traumatic time through my life with lots of illnesses and operations. But in truth I have been left with a lot of physical limitations which I deal with on a daily basis, the issues affect the way I work and therefore has an impact on my business. Ive never mentioned that I have a disability as I was afraid that the way people saw me and my achievement of setting up my business would change.
The reason why I'm telling the world this is because early this week I got a phone call giving me fantastic news!
I am delighted to say that I have been chosen as a winner for the
Stelios Awards for Disabled Entrepreneurs in the UK 2017!
I am so honoured and grateful to be selected for the prize. It will have a huge impact on me and my little business and I can't wait to see where it takes me! A huge thank you to the entire team at Stelios and I cant wait for the events in these upcoming weeks!

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