The festive season is starting and the months are getting busier, but even with all the extra hard work creating lots of new ceramics, running art exhibitions and ceramics / pottery workshops & courses... it is definitely the best time of the year! I love the Christmas season!
Preparing for Christmas is a busy time in my studio, there's a production line going on of making, firing, glazing, firing, photographing, photo editing, listing in my online shop... and then the cycle starts again!
That's with workshops, parties and courses mixed in that I'm running!
Here's a look into one of the many glaze kilns I loaded throughout November, check out my November New Ceramics blog to see all the gorgeous glaze colours and sparkling new ceramic pieces I've created!

This year’s Christmas workshops started with a bang with a bubbly creative atmosphere whilst making snowflake bowls! Each attendee created a unique bowl, no two alike… just like snowflakes! ❄️
❓ Did you know… As snowflakes tumble through the air, swirling and spiralling, they each take a different path to the ground. Each snowflake falls and floats through clouds with different temperatures and moisture levels. This shapes each snowflake differently. ❄️
The Christmas Robins group workshop was a cosy afternoon in the studio with 4 lovely creative ladies. The robins are fab and I can’t wait to see them all hung up beautifully ready for Christmas! 🎄

November Exhibition with the Harborough Artists Cluster
Old Grammar School, Market Harborough town centre
Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd Nov
This was my display for the Christmas exhibition with the local to Market Harborough art group 'Harborough Artists Cluster', we get together a few times a year to do exhibitions and open studio events.

Tatiana visited me for a bespoke one-to-one workshop where she learnt a specialist ceramic technique in which she created a lovely mini planter pot, I’m thinking mini daffodils or succulents would look great nestled inside! 🌼
So many workshop pieces got fired this month and loads of people chose to have that extra special touch to their pieces, glazing!
Having pieces glazed gives them a glossy glazed surface which is not only water tight it transforms the colours bright and colourful!
I recently ran a children’s Birthday party, it was a very fun creative workshop with 5 boys and Mum there too. What fab little to-be-artists, so creative and full of life! Here are their wonderful creations! 🎨 If you’re looking for a ceramics party for you or your little ones get in touch!

The last week of November was setting up ready fior my Christmas Open Studio Weekends!
Day 1 of prepping for this weekends open studio, cor I’m tired! 😴 My day consisted of - *Clearing up the studio and putting bits in their rightful places *Scrubbing the worktop *Disinfecting the worktop *Vacuuming from floor to ceiling *Finding all my shelving and props *Cleaning all the shelving and props *Setting out the shelving around the studio - now I have my empty shell of a set up *Gathering all my ceramics from their safe places and fresh out the kiln and unbubblewrapping it all *Taking notes of all the pieces I have ...Day 2 starts tomorrow!
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