*The photos - Me in the hospital bed was the day I was admitted, the other is with my lovely brother Dwayne. Last week I was strong enough to do a short hobble to the outdoor seating area around the corner from the ward I was on, we called it our secret garden.
HEALTH UPDATE… I’m back!!!
As you’ll know from my previous posts from March/April I was hospitalised in critical care and fighting for my life. I was in hospital for nearly a month, my initial prognosis was that I’d likely not make it home. If you’ve not heard, check my latest posts before this.
After lots of medical intervention I made it home,
Thank you #LeicesterGeneralhospital and #leicesterroyalinfirmary for keeping me alive
…and it’s been a long hard fight ever since.
I’m still not fully healed but I’m a long way from where I was 3 months ago. I’ve not posted anything in a while because I’ve not had much to share.
I’ve been sleeping, recovering, and building myself up. I’ve worked so hard on getting my health back, both physically and mentally, internally and externally.
My family and boyfriend have been my rocks in looking after and supporting me during these awful months, I am so thankful to have such loving wonderful people in my life. @dwayne.fortnum @char.rees Anthony Richardson Caz Fortnum Steven Fortnum and those who don’t use social media! And again thank you for every single message of support and care I’ve received from everyone, my family, friends, neighbours, and my wonderful customers. Thank you all so much
I am now finally nearly there and its so good to feel well again. And the exciting news, following my consultant’s guidelines I’m now able to begin teaching again! I can’t go full at it as I’m still not fully recovered, but I can begin doing ceramics and teaching from today!
Those of you who had workshops postponed I have emailed you all to get booked in, if you’ve not seen it check your junk just in case Still not seen it, pop me a message! Anyone waiting to book in your purchased workshop, or anyone who would like to book in please email me. As mentioned I’m taking it slowly so don’t have unlimited booking slots, so if you’re after a specific month get in touch now, once I’m fully booked that’s it I can’t squeeze anyone in. As I said in my previous posts, from now on my health is the most important thing and I can’t put myself through more than I’m able.
Although I’m anxious to start again, I’m excited! I’ll see some of you soon! x
A snap of a fab but exhausting day out to Warwick Castle to celebrate!

UPDATE - After over 3 weeks in hospital Im finally home These past few weeks have been scary as hell.
For the first week I was told brutally honestly that with my chances there was the possibility of me never coming home, the things I was up against I didn’t stand much chance. There were three outcomes that all could have meant the worst, with a tiny chance that I would escape any of them.
BUT, somehow I’ve once again scared death off, I’m not sure how but I am so happy to still be here. Im now at home recovering slowly, with my wonderful family caring for me.
I am not out of danger yet as any of the possibilities could still happen if something was to go wrong whilst I’m recovering. I’ve been ordered not to work or do anything more strenuous than a light walk for the next 2-3 months, and I’m not to carry any more than 500g.
Obviously ceramics is a very labor intensive job, meaning after those 2 months depending how my health is will depend whether I’m allowed to teach. I may be able to but item choices would likely be limited to what I’m allowed to do physically.
If I do anything too fast and cause trauma then I won’t be here to run my business, FACT. After the stroke and bleed in my head the other year I was stupid and continued with work etc against medical advice. THIS TIME with how close death was again, its scared me, and I’m not going to risk my life.
This means I’ve no choice but to reschedule all May and June workshops booked in with me, possibly Julys too, but that is unknown as of yet. When I can gather the energy over the next week, either I or my mum will contact everyone to reschedule. I’m sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you can understand.
Also a huge thank you for all your wonderful messages and comments, it has meant so much reading them now that I am well enough. I really do have the most lovely and supportive family, friends, neighbors, and customers

I'm currently in the Critical Care Unit in Leicester General Hospital, I've been hospitalised since Thursday morning. My situation has been worsened.
Please be aware any workshops booked in this week or next will likely not be running.
I'll let you know with as much notice as possible if I'm able, you may hear from a member of my family instead of me.
Anyone who's contracted this is why you've not heard from me.
Thanks for your patience,
Katherine x
Update - I’m still in hospital but I have been downgraded to a standard care ward. I’m still in a huge amount of pain and am facing some terrible possibilities, everything is unknown until I get further tests. BUT I’m making progress which is great, today I even walked on my own with a zimmer.
Thanks for all your lovely messages of support, it really does mean a lot
Hopefully I’ll have more good news to share in my next update. …I’m just hoping my appetite comes back ready for a chocolate Easter egg

Update - I’m still in hospital, today is day 18… I’m still in pain and on a lot of strong meds, but I’m getting there.
I’m making progress in my recovery and doing physio as much as I can handle each day, comprising of a few light exercises, total of 5 mins twice a day, and wandering around the ward… the zimmers gone now! My days are lost to sleep but I’m continually exhausted.
The good news is that once my warfarin levels are stable I will have another CT scan to see if I’m out of danger, and if everything continues going smoothly I could be home by the end of this week!
Thank you all for your lovely messages and thoughts
