It’s been a wonderful year, full of fun workshops and courses, the creativity I see from you my workshopers is just great, and a lack of creativity and smiles is nowhere to be seen! I’ve met some lovely people, new and old faces alike; I’ve had brand new requests for makes both in workshops and from my own handmade ceramics and I can’t wait to see what 2020 brings!
I am so proud of my small but MIGHTY business, I put my heart and soul into it every day and each year that passes my passion for it grows. Here’s to another year!
My festivities start today, mince pie and gingerbread making are on the go and I’m looking forward to a well earned rest for a few weeks. For the foreseeable future I can be found on the sofa with my feet up, singing to Christmas music and eating copious amounts of tasty food!
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Katherine x
My newsletter signer-upers get first dibs on next years group workshops and courses so sign up today and keep an eye out fr my newsletter in January to get first dibs!
There's 7 places MAXIMUM on all of them so don't miss out!
Its a great time to use up those Christmas gift vouchers too!
Check out some of my favourite photos from this year!
#brokeupforchristmas #christmasbaking #bringon2020 #letthefestivitiesbegin #thankfulforlife #whatawonderfulyear #katherinefortnumceramics #happyholidays #merrychristmas #thankfulforafabulousyear #ceramicartist #ceramicist #Marketharborough #ladyboss #smallbutmighty #whatayearitsbeen #thankyouall